Blogger With A Twist Podcast
Hey everyone, my name is Brooke. I'm a female podcaster, content creator, blogger, and entrepreneur from the East Coast. Welcome to my podcast, Blogger With A Twist, which is all about self-improvement, motivation, and stories about my life. So, if you like what you hear, subscribe and share my podcast. Thanks again for tuning in!
Blogger With A Twist Podcast
My Latest Adventures: Korean Food, Networking Event, And More
Welcome to my Blogger With a Twist—a podcast about lifestyle, self-improvement, and personal stories.
Hello, everyone. Hopefully, you are all experiencing a wonderful day. For this episode, I will be delving into another chitchat about my recent collaborations, the events I have attended, and additional thrilling news.
That said, grab your snacks, and let's get this episode started.
P.S - If you live in Philadelphia, remember to use the link below to take the survey for a chance to win 500 dollars, or click my Linktree to get the link! The deadline for the survey is March 31st!
Suvery Link: https://bit.ly/3F19Qz2
Browse my links: https://linktr.ee/phillyblogger
For questions or topic suggestions send me an email.
Email: brooke.brunson@gmail.com
Hey you guys, my name is Brooke, your fellow podcaster, entrepreneur and creative artist from the East Coast. And welcome to my podcast blogger with a twist. So on my podcast, I'll mainly be talking about lifestyle topics, I might do some rants or story times. But basically whatever comes to mind that is the gist of this podcast. So if you guys find that interesting, and you want to know more.
then subscribe, share my podcast with your friends and family. And last but not least, sit back, relax, grab your favorite snack or food. And let's get this episode popping. Hey you guys, it is your girl Brooke and welcome back to a brand new podcast episode and happy March and also happy women's history month.
And you know, if you know somebody out there that is a veteran or was a veteran or is doing something positive in their community, definitely celebrate them this month. Or if you are that person is doing the same thing. So yeah, you guys um, I know it has been almost three weeks since my last episode. And I am so sorry. I just.
kind of got caught up with life and everything like that. So that being said, today's episode is going to be a chit chat. And basically, I'm just giving you guys the tea on what your girl has been up to in these past couple of weeks. So if you guys are ready for that, definitely get your snacks or whatever you like to eat. And let's get this episode popping.
So for this episode, I have my little handy-dandy notebook. So I do not forget anything. So the week of February the 15th, I know I told you guys in my last episode that I was going to the Wine and Dine networking event on Saturday, February the 15th, with my boyfriend in King of Prussia at the 52 Seasons restaurant.
Well, unfortunately, the event got canceled because I think they did not get like a lot of ticket sales or something like that. So I was a little bummed out because I was already excited to go and I was already thinking about what I was going to wear and handing out my business cards and meeting these new people. Like I was so excited.
But then when that day rolled around, it really wasn't a good day to be traveling. First of all, when I was at work because I end up working my regular job until three o'clock in the afternoon because the thing did not start to like seven o'clock. Yeah, I think I didn't start to like seven o'clock in the evening. So when I got out of work.
that Saturday, it had already snowed. And then later on that day, it was raining, and then it was super cold, it was windy. So just thinking about that and the fact that my boyfriend and I would have to travel on public transportation all the way up to King of Prussia, I'm just thinking, well, maybe it's better that we did not go.
Now, granted, we probably could have taken an Uber or a Lyft, but as you guys know, anytime you take Uber or Lyft and the weather is not good, they more than likely are going to make the prices more expensive. And so that was the first thing. And then the second thing, I really did not have a lot of money because I did not think about
all the bills that I had to pay that particular week. So when Saturday rolled around, I did not, like I said, have a lot of money. So those two things, it just made me feel like, well, this is probably not a good time for me to be traveling, you know? So in some ways it was a blessing, but the young lady did say that she is planning to have the event again this month. So hopefully that does happen.
and I can get you guys some footage of that. So that's that. And then I know the week after that, which was the week of February the 17th, I did not drop an episode at all. And I'm not going to lie to you guys. The reason why is because it was a mixture of me being lazy and me not liking how the recording came out.
When I was going through the playback to edit the audio, I really did not like how I sounded. And so me being a perfectionist that I am, I just thought to myself, I'm not going to post this. Now I know what some of you guys may say, girl, why are you being so picky? But for me, if this is my craft and something that I am proud of,
I want to put my best foot forward, you know, so for me, no, it wasn't going to happen. So that's why you guys did not get an episode last week. I just, I mean that week is just because I was being very picky. And then the next week, which was last week, the week of February the 24th, I was actually kind of busy that week. And then on top of that,
I was having issues with my health, a little bit of issues, not a lot. So Monday of last week, I went to an event and then when I came home that evening, went to sleep, woke up the next day on Tuesday, why the right side of my face was feeling swollen and it was a little bit puffy. As the day...
went on, I noticed that my face kept getting more puffier. And now I'm thinking to myself, well, I don't have my dentist appointment with my dentist until next week on Tuesday, meaning this Tuesday of this week. And I know if I go to urgent care, the only thing they might really give me is some antibiotics to help, you know, put the, get the swelling down.
So now I'm just thinking, well, what really can I do? But then I remembered that I had a bottle of antibiotics that I had got prescribed back in December of last year that I never used. And so I started taking those last Tuesday. And so since then, my face has gone down like the swelling. So I'm happy that I did have those antibiotics on hand.
But I'm hoping when I see my dentist this week that I don't have to get any more tooth extractions because in my well in one of my old episodes that I deleted I told you guys that last year I had to get two of my teeth extracted because they were both infected. So I don't I don't know you guys. I mean before my face started swelling up.
I didn't really have pain like the pain that you would have from a toothache. So yeah, hopefully pray for me because that everything is going to be okay. I'll probably I'll probably give you guys an update about that in my next episode. And then as far as the events that I attended last week, the first one was on Monday, February the 24th, and it was the Bonita
Amplify's Black Creator Networking Mixer, which was held at Honey Suckle Restaurant, which is a restaurant in Philadelphia that will be opening up very soon. And the event was by the Bonita Project. So initially, right, when I got the invite for this event, I didn't think I was going to get picked. I had came across
information about this event on Threads, which if you guys don't know is associated with Instagram. And at first I was not going to even like apply to be invited because I'm thinking I don't have a huge following on Instagram. But at the same time, I figured, well, what do I have to lose? So I filled out the Google form.
And then a couple of days later, that's when I got the email saying that you have been invited. And let me tell you guys, I had such a good time last Monday. I got to meet different black creators in the area. And it was just so nice to see that there are companies out there that want to allow more black creators to come together in a safe space.
as well as Latino creators as well. The music was really good. The name of the DJ, her name on Instagram is @_woahnelliee. Oh my gosh. She had me dancing all night long, to the point where when I got home later on that night, why one of the gemstones in my earring fell out? That's how hard your girl was on a dance floor. So it was good music.
The food was good. It wasn't like a three course meal. It was more kind of like finger food. Some of the sponsors that was there was L'Oreal Paris, Poppi, Liquid Deaf. And I cannot pronounce it correctly, but if you guys know who is Issa Rae, she recently came out with a wine. So that was another sponsor that was there.
And overall, you guys, I had a good time. I was handing out my business cards and I was networking, which by the way, I did end up getting my business cards from Staples. I was going to get them from Vistaprint, which is where I got my last ones from. But when I checked the price of Vistaprint, I was thinking to myself, oh, this is a little bit more expensive than the last time I remembered.
So I might as well get them printed locally and I don't have to pay for the shipping and stuff like that. But yeah, you guys overall, I had a good time. Also I got myself a goody bag, a swag bag and let me tell you, they stuffed this goody bag to the gods. Okay. I have so much stuff in this goody bag.
So if you guys want to see my footage from the Bonita Amplify's networking event definitely check out my Instagram page. And also I will be releasing another video this week of me showing you guys what I got in my swag bag. So definitely make sure you guys are following me on Instagram. You guys can just copy and paste or click.
my link tree link which is it which is in my description and once you click my link tree link you'll see all my profile like my social media icons such as Instagram Pinterest but yeah honestly just having that experience it really made me realize that sometimes in life even if you feel like you may not have the biggest following or something like that
If you have good quality content and people can see that, I feel like in some ways is more valuable than having a bunch of followers. Because sometimes having a bunch of followers does not always signify that people really like your work. I'm just saying, so amazing experience. And then the...
Other thing that I went to this Saturday was more of a collaboration. So the name of the restaurant, which I feel like I'm probably going to butcher up is Crunchik’n, but basically they're a restaurant in center city and they sell mainly Korean food. And so when I got the invite to do the food collaboration, I was super excited.
So I end up taking one of my best friends on Saturday, last Saturday, which was a day of the collaboration. And initially I was not going to take a plus one, but they did ask me and I figured I might as well take one of my friends because I always seem to take my boyfriend to my events. So I feel like I need to kind of share, you know what I'm saying? And so when I got there,
I was a little nervous, but honestly, overall, you guys, the food was so good. And the young lady that was there that was working there, she was such a sweetheart and she really made me and my friend's day. But what's so funny is that the young lady, her name was literally the same name as my friend that was there with me.
and they both spelled their name the same way, which was also crazy. But then this is the kicker, you guys, after we had our food, because mind you, it really wasn't no limit on what we can have because everything was basically we got for free. The young lady, I think her name was Davina. So Davina, she looks up at me and says, are you bloginphilly? I'm like, yes.
She's like, oh my gosh, like my friend, like we follow you. She's a big fan of yours. And I'm just thinking to myself. Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. Like I started laughing and I was like, wait a minute, you guys like a fan? Now let me tell you guys this much, OK? This is the first time I've ever met somebody that has been a fan of my work. But at the same token,
I never really expected because for me, when I be taking pictures and making reels and stuff and post on Instagram or any other social media platform, I'm doing this because I enjoy doing it, you know? I like being creative. And so to see that I have a fan that is watching my content and they really like it, it really makes me feel so good inside.
And it makes me know that I'm on the right path because so many times I told myself, maybe I should not be doing this anymore. But having that experience happen just reaffirmed me that I need to keep doing what I'm doing because obviously there are people that genuinely like my content. Her friend, I think like she's new to the area and you know, she's always looking for new places to eat at.
So I don't know you guys, it just really warmed my heart to know that I might be making a difference, you know? But yeah, that was probably the biggest highlight when I was there at the restaurant on Saturday was the fact that I have a fan, you know? But overall, you guys, the food was bustin'. I had Korean corn dogs, Korean kimchi cheese fries,
of course Korean fried chicken, you know, I have to go with that and some other things. So I will be posting the reel from my food adventure at the restaurant on Instagram. So like I told you guys, definitely follow me on Instagram so you guys can see the reel. And like I said, I will also be leaving the young ladies Instagram page if you guys would like to follow her.
And definitely if you guys ever visit the restaurant and you get her, she will definitely make sure you guys have a good time. And I would definitely be back there because I honestly, like I had seen a restaurant before, but I never went inside. So it was just kind of, not weird, but kind of cool that they reached out to me and wanted me to come out and try
some dishes on your menu. So, and I'm trying to think what else. I think that is everything that happened last week, honestly. They were probably like my two biggest highlights besides my face swelling up. I did go to church last Sunday. Now, give you guys a little backstory. I used to go to church when I was younger. I used to be an usher at church.
So for me, and also I've been baptized, so when I was younger, I can definitely say I did not go to church for the right reasons. I mainly went to church to socialize, okay? I didn't really go there to pay attention to the word and stuff like that. And when I went to church with my boyfriend last Sunday, I did start crying, you know, and I kind of felt
a little weird about crying at church. When I used to go to church when I was younger, I never cried. But then again, like I said, I wasn't really there to hear the word, but just going to church, um it was just an eye-opener for me, you know, because when I stopped going to church, I just never made an effort to find another church that I would actually enjoy.
And my boyfriend, he's been going to church for years and always tell him that, you know, one day I'm gonna go to church with you. But, you know, last Sunday, something just made me want to go to church, you know? And so I'm happy that I did. I had a good time and I really did enjoy the service and the sermon. But for me also, I feel like I just had my own personal relationship with God. And
Sometimes I'll just talk to him like I'm just having a regular conversation with a friend because he definitely knows me. He knows my heart and stuff like that. I just feel like going to church this time around, hits a little bit different because I actually went because I wanted to go, not because I had to go. Oh yeah. I went to church last Sunday with my boyfriend.
And honestly, my boyfriend, I could definitely tell he was happy because, like I said, he has been wanting me to go to church for a while with him. So this definitely made his day. And then the last thing that I want to say is that right now I am partnering with my friends at Now Included to help you guys win some money, especially if you live in the Philly area.
But basically now included is having people fill out their survey, which pretty much takes like three minutes to fill out. And basically with the survey, they want to get people's perspectives on healthcare. So if you guys want to fill it out, I will leave the link in the description of this episode, or you guys can check out, or you guys can check out my Linktree link.
And if you guys would like to share the link with a friend, definitely feel free to do so. But yeah, you guys, I am super excited to be partnering with now included. And you know, definitely, like I said, if you have three minutes to spare, definitely fill out the survey because if you win that money, you can put it maybe towards your bills or something towards your
a craft or something productive or if you want to you can just spend it on materialistic things you know you know whatever. Okay I'm getting kind of tongue-tied but you guys get my drift okay and then I think that's it that I have to talk about in this episode so thank you guys again for bearing with me and still sticking around even though I'm a terrible podcaster.
but hopefully you guys enjoyed this episode. You enjoyed this chit chat. And until my next episode, I hope you guys have a great day, a great week, and see you guys next time. Peace.