Blogger With A Twist Podcast

Online Oversharing: Not Everything Needs To Be Put On Social Media

Brooke Brunson Season 1 Episode 25

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Do you ever wonder why some folks seem to air their dirty laundry on social media without a second thought? Well, that's precisely what we're mulling over in today's episode; we'll be discussing the impact of oversharing personal issues on social media, a habit many have adopted in this digital age. Starting off with a viral video of a couple arguing about their parenting responsibilities, we question the wisdom behind such public displays of private matters.

Moving along, we delve into another video showcasing a father's rather unhelpful critique of his child's mother, instead of lending a hand when needed. Not only does this reinforce the importance of effective communication in resolving disputes, but it also underscores the damaging effects of public shaming on the internet. As we wrap up, we call for more discretion when sharing personal matters online. It's a conversation you wouldn't want to miss; it might even make you rethink your next social media post.

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Speaker 1:

Hello you guys and my name is Brooke and welcome to my podcast. Blogger with a twist, and I am your host and a creator. So what you guys can find on my podcast is topics about lifestyle, rant, story time or anything else I find interesting to talk about. So if that sounds interesting, then subscribe, tell your family, friends or whoever about my podcast and, last but not least, sit back, relax, get your snacks, munchies or whatever, and let's get this episode popping. Hey, you guys, and welcome back to another episode and hopefully you guys out there doing good. So I know that I'm releasing this episode a little later in a week because typically I try to upload a new episode every Thursday or Friday, but this week I had to upload the episode on a Saturday, so hopefully you guys do not mind the minor change, but I will be getting back to my regular schedule next week and so, other than that, you guys, your girl has been doing good.

Speaker 1:

I've just been working at my job at Starbucks and just living my life the best I can, and so for this week's episode, I wanted to talk about something that I came across on social media. It was basically a video of a couple arguing back and forth about their daughter. I believe and you could tell from the video that the mom was feeling overwhelmed and felt like she was doing everything on her own, and so after watching the video, it just made me realize why do some people feel the need to put their entire business on social media? I just feel like since social media has came about, some people do not do not know how to have a balance between their life and social media, because you have some people that will put on their social media what they're doing every half an hour or every hour and it's kind of like Do you even have a real life? Like, seriously, why are you spending your whole time Telling people on social media about what you do? Now, I know some people may disagree, because Not everybody really cares about what other people have to say about them, but what just really kills me is when people Put their business out there for the whole wide world to see and then they get an attitude when people have something negative to say, and In my opinion, I feel like if you did not want any commentary, then you should have not said anything. So if you guys want to know more, then grab your popcorn, munchies or whatever, and let's get this episode popping.

Speaker 1:

So, like I said about the video, with the couple arguing about their daughter and the mother feeling overwhelmed, what was so sad about watching that video was the fact that this young woman did not want to be a mother anymore. She was basically volunteering to give up her parental rights and she even at one point was threatening to leave their daughter out in the street or leave her somewhere at a fire station if the father did not come get this daughter. Even though I do not have any children of my own, I could never even think about just abandoning my child because I am tired of being a parent. Another point that she brought up in a video Was when she was saying that the only reason why she had her daughter was because he wanted to have a child. And this is why I said certain people should not be allowed to have children, because, first of all, as a woman, you should never do something that you do not want to do just because a man Says he wants something.

Speaker 1:

I think a lot of times. Sometimes some of these young people, they have these children and they don't think about the whole aspect of the situation. They just think, oh, I'm gonna have a kid. It's gonna be so cute, but what about raising that child? The fact of the matter is that raising children, or even just one child, can be very expensive. And I think also, some people do not want to take an account that when you have children, it's not about you anymore, it's about the child, and you are going to have to sacrifice certain parts of your freedom, and that could mean hanging out with your friends all the time and going out and partying. It's just you have to have more of a balance when you have children, and I could definitely tell from watching that video that this young lady was definitely not ready to be a mother, and it's sad because Now the child has to suffer, a child that you did not ask to come into this world. And so when people say that they don't wanna have kids and you got people saying, oh, why the selfish and all honesty, that is not a bad thing at all, because if you are not willing to sacrifice certain aspects of your life and you're not financially stable, then do not bring a child into this world if you cannot take care of them. And so it was that video.

Speaker 1:

And then there was another video I saw, probably a little while back, and it was this guy trying to paint his, the mother of his child, as a bad mother. I believe they had just well, I believe they had a newborn, okay. So basically, in the video that he was filming, it shows the mother of his child holding their newborn, but she was sleeping and you could tell that she was tired, and I read in her that when you have a newborn, it can be kind of rough. You can lose a lot of hours of sleep, and so what made me so mad about the video and other women watching the video was that, instead of him being the man, okay, and taking the baby from her and letting her get some rest, this fool decides to pick up his phone and start recording her and making her seem like she's a bad mom and lazy. When I tell you guys, if I was the mother of his child and I saw that video, I would not only be upset but I would be hurt, because this is the person I chose to have a child with. You know what I'm saying, and the fact of the matter is that you cannot even you cannot even help me out when you clearly see I'm tired and exhausted, like, what kind of a man are you?

Speaker 1:

I think for some people, like I said, you have some people that just don't care about their people's opinions, and so for them, putting their business on social media is not a big deal. But I just think, especially if you're grown okay, if you're a grown behind person, why do you need to do this? Okay, if you are having a disagreement with your spouse, why not have a conversation about it, rather than try to embarrass them on the internet? To me, that does not say you're being an adult. To me, it says you're acting like a little kid and you do not know how to have an adult conversation. And so, yeah, you guys, I guess, when it comes to people putting their personal business on social media, me personally, I just don't agree with that. But, like I said, not everybody's going to agree on the same thing. So I guess what you can hopefully take away from this episode is that we need to learn how to have better communication skills. Okay, we have to be able to talk out our issues instead of just jumping to social media. I definitely feel like social media can be used for good, but, like I said, some people just don't know when enough is enough. So please, people know when to keep certain things private, okay? Not everybody wants to know about your messy behind life, and I'm not trying to say that to be mean, but it's just. Some people Need to step away from social media for good.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so if you all enjoyed this episode even though it was a little later, didn't expect it then Definitely subscribe to the podcast and tell your family, friends or whoever, and also Check out my online red bubble shop. I did drop some new designs. One is called caffeine a queen, so for all of my coffee caffeine lovers out there, I Think you guys will like the design. And then my last design is called bookworm. So if you love reading books and you find that title Kind of cute and whimsical I don't know then definitely check out the design. The link to my online shop should be in the description, but if you cannot find it, either send me an email or just go on redbubblecom and type in the search bar twisted blogger. And Other than that, you guys, you all have a great day, a good weekend, and I will talk to you guys in my next episode, which will hopefully be on time. Peace.