Blogger With A Twist Podcast

Bouncing Back: My Unfiltered Journey After Getting Fired from Starbucks

July 19, 2024 Brooke Brunson Season 1 Episode 38
Bouncing Back: My Unfiltered Journey After Getting Fired from Starbucks
Blogger With A Twist Podcast
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Blogger With A Twist Podcast
Bouncing Back: My Unfiltered Journey After Getting Fired from Starbucks
Jul 19, 2024 Season 1 Episode 38
Brooke Brunson

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Ever been blindsided by job loss and wondered how to bounce back? This week, I’m sharing my own raw and emotional journey after getting fired from Starbucks. From the shock and anger that hit me like a freight train, to the surprising wave of relief that followed, you'll hear the unfiltered truth of what happened and how I managed to stay afloat in the storm. I’ll reveal the pivotal steps I took immediately—filing for unemployment, sending out job applications, and the mental grit that kept me going. This is more than just a story of losing a job; it’s a testament to resilience and the power of determination.

Get ready for some real talk and practical advice as I dive into how a TikTok video featuring Sherri Shepherd gave me a much-needed boost. Her story of getting fired from The View, only to land multiple roles shortly after, inspired me during those dark days. Whether you're grappling with job loss yourself, or you just need a dose of motivation, this episode offers a wealth of insight and encouragement. So grab your snacks, get comfy, and join me as I turn my setback into a powerful push forward!

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Ever been blindsided by job loss and wondered how to bounce back? This week, I’m sharing my own raw and emotional journey after getting fired from Starbucks. From the shock and anger that hit me like a freight train, to the surprising wave of relief that followed, you'll hear the unfiltered truth of what happened and how I managed to stay afloat in the storm. I’ll reveal the pivotal steps I took immediately—filing for unemployment, sending out job applications, and the mental grit that kept me going. This is more than just a story of losing a job; it’s a testament to resilience and the power of determination.

Get ready for some real talk and practical advice as I dive into how a TikTok video featuring Sherri Shepherd gave me a much-needed boost. Her story of getting fired from The View, only to land multiple roles shortly after, inspired me during those dark days. Whether you're grappling with job loss yourself, or you just need a dose of motivation, this episode offers a wealth of insight and encouragement. So grab your snacks, get comfy, and join me as I turn my setback into a powerful push forward!

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Speaker 1:

Hey you guys, my name is Brooke and welcome to my podcast blogger with a twist. So on my podcast you guys can find topics about lifestyle rants, story times about my life or anything else I find interesting to talk about. So if that sounds like something you would like to know or hear, then you know what to do Subscribe, tell your family, friends, grandma or whoever about my podcast and, last but not least, sit back, relax and let's get this episode popping. Hey, you guys, and welcome back to a brand new podcast episode and hopefully you guys out there are doing good. So this week's episode I thought that I would come on and talk to you guys about my latest life update, which is your girl got fired from her job at Starbucks. So last Wednesday I got the news and honestly, you guys, it really has been a mix of emotions. So I figured why not make a podcast episode about it? And you know I'm not making this episode for you guys to feel sympathy for me or to feel sad or anything like that. It's more so a way for me to not only share my story but also maybe motivate or inspire any of you guys out there that are in the same situation that I am in because I feel like when it comes to losing jobs, it happens to people every day, and especially losing a job in this economy can be devastating when you start to think about how are you going to pay your bills and other expenses. And then, on top of that, depending on your age bracket, sometimes as you get older, it is also harder to find a job, especially if you do not have a college degree. So, that being said, grab your snacks and let's get this episode popping.

Speaker 1:

So, like I said, I got fired last Wednesday, and so how it all unfolded is that my manager pulled me to decide to talk to me in a back room about an hour before my shift was supposed to end and basically told me that I was being separated from the company, told me why, gave me the paperwork and said I could appeal my case. And when she told me all of this information, a part of me was angry because I felt like other people should have gotten fired before me, but at the same time, I was also I was also kind of relieved because, even though working at Starbucks was not my first choice as a job career, I have been wanting to leave there. I guess I didn't think I would leave. On that note, I thought I would leave my own accord versus getting fired. And so, basically, after that, I just waited outside in the cafe for my boyfriend to finish his shift and then I just stayed at his house. Now, mind you guys, that same day I was having cramps from my period, I had a horrible toothache, and then getting fired on top of all of that, it just made me feel like really crappy the rest of the day.

Speaker 1:

And then the next day, thursday, I started applying for jobs on Indeedcom because I felt like, as much as I would like to sit here and cry and whine like, oh my gosh, I don't have a job, at the same token, I don't have time for that. I have bills to pay, I have to pay my willing to keep my blog afloat and to keep my podcast afloat. I have responsibilities to take care of, and having that mindset, I definitely feel like, has motivated me to keep on applying and not giving up. I also did apply for unemployment until I'm able to find a job, for unemployment until I'm able to find a job. And then, friday, I still kept applying for jobs. I started asking some of my friends if they knew people that were hiring and so ever since then I still have been applying and I have been getting some luck. So I'm definitely excited for the future because for I want to say, at least for like the first three days after getting fired, a part of me felt bad.

Speaker 1:

I felt kind of depressed because why is this happening to me and how am I going to find a job. But I remember I had came across a video on TikTok and I think the name's lady was Sherry and she used to be on the View and in the clip she was talking about how she got fired from the View and about a week after she got fired she got a call from a casting director or something like that that booked her for a role and then a week later that booked her for a role and then a week later she got booked for another role. And so listening to what she said made me realize that when one door closes, another door will open, and that sometimes in life you have to trust the process and your instincts, even if you felt like maybe you got fired and it wasn't your fault or whatever. Maybe whatever you was doing, your time has come to an end and you have to look at it as sometimes getting fired from a job is a blessing, honestly, especially if the job you felt like you was not progressing and it was affecting your mental health. Sometimes getting let go is the best thing for you Because, like I said, it can open up more doors and more things that you should be doing.

Speaker 1:

And for me, I definitely related with what she was saying, because now that I don't have a job, I feel like I have no excuse not to be making content for my blog and my podcast. But also I feel like maybe this was my kicking the butt from God or the universe to get my crap together, because I felt like I always had an excuse of oh, I can't make an episode this week because of work and I'm tired or whatever, but it's kind of like Brooke, well, you cannot use that excuse anymore. So get on your grind so you can start doing your blog and your podcast full time. Because I think I've said this before my main goal is to one day be able to make a living off of blogging and podcasting. But in order to do that, I really have to hone in on my craft and not keep giving excuses, and that is what I'm taking from this experience is that, yeah, it sucks, I lost my job, but at the same time, this is also the motivation I need to get my stuff together so I can be successful with my side businesses.

Speaker 1:

So if you can take anything away from this episode, you guys, I just want you to understand and know that if you got fired from a job, do not let your depression or what you feel about the situation hinder you from finding another job. I would highly recommend that you definitely keep on applying for jobs, whether you do them online or in person. You know, ask around to your family and friends if you know anybody that's hiring. And, most importantly, you guys do not give up, because if you give up, then you're not going to be successful, because, no matter how sad or depressed you may feel, if you have bills to pay whether it's a phone bill or you got to pay rent those bills do not care what you're going through. They have to get paid. Unfortunately, you have some landlords or bill collectors that are not going to feel sympathetic to your case. They are just trying to figure out how are you going to pay this bill, and I feel like thinking about that is also a good motivator to not give up when applying for jobs, because I did make an article on my blog talking about three motivational ways to help you stay motivated while job searching or job hunting. If you guys want to read that article blog post, I'll link it below in the description. But I made that blog post because I feel like when it comes to looking for jobs, it is not an easy process and you may get a lot of no's before you get a yes.

Speaker 1:

Even if you go for an interview and you feel like, oh, I killed this interview, I did really good, you could possibly still not get that job. And it can be disheartening, especially if you feel like I'm putting in the effort, I'm applying to this amount of jobs like every single day, but yet I'm not getting the answer that I want. And I feel like in those times you really have to let your drive and motivation kick in, because it's very easy to start feeling like, oh, I'm not going to apply to no more jobs. Every time I apply for a job I don't get hired. It can be so easy to get negative and just feel like you're wasting your time. Now you're doubting yourself and you're doubting your skills and you may start to feel like, well, maybe I don't have any skills and you don't want to feel like that, you don't want to feel like the time that you're putting into trying to find a job is being wasted.

Speaker 1:

Yes, it is a long process and it may take some time, but if you're willing to stick with it and not give up, I guarantee you you will find a job. It's just, unfortunately, a lot of times nowadays it's not that easy as it was back in the day to get a job and, like I said in the beginning, especially if you do not have a college degree, it's almost like 10 times harder. Especially if you do not have a college degree is almost like 10 times harder. But even I feel like if you have a college degree, it still is just as hard, because I have read stories about people that did go to college. They went to four year to six year, whatever, and when they graduated they could not find a job in their field. So, either way you put it, finding a job is not easy for anyone.

Speaker 1:

So, that being said, you guys, I think that will conclude this week's episode and do not worry, your girl will get back on her feet. I'm definitely trying to stay positive throughout this whole situation and, like I said, please, if you are going through my same situation, do not give up. Keep on applying, definitely consider applying for unemployment until you can find a job and, lastly, just remain positive. And thank you guys again for listening and hopefully next week's episode I'll have more of a better update. So you guys, that will conclude this week's episode. If you enjoyed it, like I say in my intro, definitely subscribe, share the podcast. If you have any questions or inquiries, all of my information is in the description box of every episode and, other than that, you guys, stay blessed, stay positive, be safe and peace.